If you have more than one child, you've experienced sibling rivalry on multiple occasions. Believe it or not, it's a natural part of child development as they learn how to manage conflicts in relationships. If it gets excessive, however, it might be wise to establish a few boundaries for safety reasons.
If physical aggression has caused injuries, if one child seems overly upset, if school, friendships or activities are adversely affected, or if one child is consistently dominant over the other, then everyone's safety should be considered.
All healthy relationships need clear boundaries that are agreed upon as a family, along with consequences if boundaries are crossed. For instance, permission needs to be granted before borrowing a sibling's possessions.
It's important for children to understand each other's roles in the family, especially when an older sibling acts as a caregiver for a younger sibling. This may require adult intervention to help define roles and to avoid confusion.
Make sure siblings are able to have positive experiences together, with the adults modeling good behavior. Never allow one child to become the brunt of ridicule or practical jokes at their expense.
The teachers at Endless Discoveries can offer guidance to families in resolving the bickering that often occurs. Family therapy might be in order if sibling rivalry gets out of hand.
Sometims it's best for parents to step back and allow the children to resolve minor issues, and then praise them for finding solutions on their own.
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