Ms. Tonya points out (with a sweet smile) the fire alarm lever in our Saginaw school. In the event of a real emergency, she would be serious about ensuring the safety of all of the children and staff in both Saginaw buildings.
All of our centers have fire alarms, and State Licensing requires monthly fire drills and quarterly sheltering, severe weather and lock-down drills. We keep records of these drills, and every teacher is trained to get children to a safe location as quickly as possible.
Shelter and Intruder Drills: Shelter drills include bad weather and lock-down emergency preparedness. We will take refuge in hallways and bathrooms in the center of the building with a flashlight and a radio. We will stay there until bad weather passes or notified by authorities that the environment is safe.
Fire, Explosion, Toxic Fumes, or Other Chemical Release: We will place infants and toddlers into the labeled fire beds and follow fire exit procedures shown on classroom walls. Older children wil be escorted by their primary caregivers following fire procedures. Each classroom teacher will have their emergency book. The director will also have a school-wide emergency book as well as a cellular phone to contact emergency personnel and parents.
In the case of an emergency that requires evacuation from our facilities, we will relocate Saginaw children to American Bank, 825 N. Saginaw Blvd., Glen Rose children to Cherokee Rose Nursing and Rehabilitiation, 203 Bo Gibbs Blvd., and Hico children to 106 College St. All staff and children will relocate by walking with a designated person leading and a designated person following after the center has been cleared of all persons. In this instance, parents will be notified by via email, the parent communication application, phone call or text immediately and pick-up will be required within 45 minutes.
In the event of a sheltering or lock-down emergency, the children will be relocated to the designated refuge locations until the Director gives further instructions. No one will be permitted to enter or leave the premises during this time. An emergency relocation diagram with instructions for staff is posted inside each classroom and available upon request. Staff have been trained, through the orientation process and drills, of care for the children if a situation requiring a lock-down occurs. Parents will be notified by the Director when children mayb be reunified with their families.
#childsafety #childcareprovider #qualitychildcare