One of the most aggravating parenting problems is the way children have emotional outbursts, ranging from whining to screaming, hitting, biting, kicking and holding their breath. Believe it or not, tantrums are a normal part of child development, usually occurring with younger children between the ages of one and three. They are often the result of unmet needs or desires, causing frustration. Before children are able to express themselves verbally, some of that frustration can be eased by teaching them some basic sign language. Endless Discoveries teachers help their non-verbal students communicate with signs.
Most children begin to have fewer tantrums by age four, but if tantrums continue past this age, there could be psychological problems that need to be addressed.
It's important to stay calm and not react instantly to your child's meltdown. Let them know that you will listen after they stop crying. When tantrums are allowed to continue, children often develop a habit of being angry, screaming and breaking things. Try distracting them with other activities such as outside games that you participate in.
Every parent has experienced temper tantrums on occasion, so try to remember that they're a normal stage children go through.
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