Blog Post

The Power of Friendship

Blog Article

As the school year is ending, parents start to think about how to keep their kids active, happy and safe during the summer. Summer camp is an opportunity for children to make new friends, step out of their comfort zone, and develop skills that will last a lifetime.

This is a great way for kids to meet people outside of their neighborhood or school. They have the freedom to be themselves without the pressure of school and to interact with people of different backgrounds. Camp allows children to try new things and succeed in ways they may not have thought possible.

Providing a break from technology is an important benefit of summer camp. Mission: Impossible is the theme for this year's summer camp at Endless Discoveries. Our campers will be able to learn how to entertain themselves without electronics. Disconnecting from devices and engaging in physical activity and creativity help campers form connections face to face and have conversations without distractions.

Children require more than intellectual growth and physical health to become successful adults. They also need to develop the social skills necessary for positive relationships with others.

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