The staff at Endless Discoveries takes food allergies very seriously. We depend on parents to keep us informed about their child's dietary requirements, and we require the form "Allergies, Special Needs & Therapy Requirements" to be filled out and notarized during enrollment, with information about allergies, procedure to follow in the even of an allergic reaction, and medications prescribed.
The General Policies section of our Parent Handbook ("Meals, Snacks and Nutritional Needs") specifies no food made with nut products is permitted in our schools. Any food may cause an allergic reaction, but 90% of food allergies in children are caused by just six common foods or food groups -- milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and wheat. Allergies to fruits and vegetables are much less common and usually less severe.
Allergic reactions can be mild or severe, and a person can have a severe reaction to a food even if their previous reactions were mild. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include wheezing, trouble breathing, coughing, hoarseness, throat tightness, belly pain, vomiting, diarrhea, swollen eyes, hives, red spots, swelling, lightheadedness or passing out. If severe reactions are untreated with injectable epinephrine, anaphylaxis can occur and be life-threatening. Read more here.
Parents with children suffering from food allergies may communicate their needs with the kitchen personnel and the office. Endless Discoveries has materials available from the USDA to help aid in healthy food habits, meal planning, choking hazards, food allergies and other resources from
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