Blog Post

Are Daily Routines Important?

Blog Article

Children depend on consistent and predictable daily routines. Their sense of security relies on familiar adults and schedules. Even the smallest changes can cause stress.

Daily changes are unavoidable, but the teachers at Endless Discoveries are aware of the impact they have on children and are able to plan ways to help them feel secure.

Every classroom has consistent routines, procedures and transitions established to help the day run smoothly. This allows children to remain calm and focus more on learning.

Our teachers are able to create an environment that is safe, healthy and conducive to children's exploration and independence. A well-managed classroom has a high level of participation and engagement. Children know the expectations, and their actions show that they do. There is relatively little wasted time, confusion or disruptions, and this provides a relaxed and pleasant environment for the children.

#daycare #preschool #earlylearning