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Do Children Suffer from Stress?

Blog Article

We all feel stress on occasion, even young children. As parents and educators, we can provide the tools necessary for children to copewith anxiety.Mindfulness is a wonderful way for children to learn how to deal with stressful situations. Learning these habits early in life makes it easier as an adult to handle difficult situations.

Mindfulness meditation is basically just payingattention to what you are feeling, hearing or experiencing in the present moment. Children can be introduced to mindfulness with a simple kindness meditation by expressing good wishes and compassion to others. After finding a comfortable position, think about someone you and your child love and respect, and send them loving thoughts. Ask the child how this made them feel. Then think about someone you come in contact with but don't know well, and send them thoughts of compassion, discussing your feelings about doing this. And lastly, send kind thoughts to someone who has been difficult lately, and talk about the emotions this brings up.

Focusing on breathing is an easy way to help you and your child unwind and set aside overwhelming feelings for a moment. If you have difficulty staying in the present, try using your five senses. Name five things you can see, four things you can feel, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

No matter what ages your children are, taking mindful breaks can be an enjoyable part of your day to relieve stress, encourage relaxation and bring a boost of compassion and happiness.

The teachers at Endless Discoveries Child Development Center use mindfulness techniques to help children deal with stressful situations. Our staff believes in the importance of working with parents as active partners in their child's development, and we welcome communication about every child's well-being.

#parenting #kids #family #childcare #early learning